Where am I now

ISLA MUJERAS 1/28 - 2/3/2018

Chip, Ted and I are still in Isla Mujeras, so there might be something to that "Hotel California" thing. I came down with a bug on Tuesday. It appears to be the same one a few others on the dock have had over the last several weeks and has pretty much put me out of commission for the past couple days. However, yesterday I did meet with the Port Captain, as well as the Immigration official, so we have been approved to leave Mexico. We're going to head out later this morning. The plan is to try to avoid the north bound current as much as possible, by sailing close to the Mexican mainland as long as it's light, and then we'll head straight to Banco Chinchorro, which is one of only three atolls in the Western Hemisphere. It's supposed to be very cool and Polynesian like, with great snorkeling. Depending upon winds and seas, we should get there around noon on Saturday. We'll then sail to Xcalak, Mexico on Sunday or Monday; and arrive in San Pedro, Belize on Monday or Tuesday. Both Chip and Ted have been good about the delay and have even been pretty helpful (i.e., cleaned the boat's bottom using the neighbors hookah system, consolidated/filled fuel jugs, filled water tanks, helped me change the gear lube in the starboard saildrive, etc.). Plus, they have explored the island, got massages and eaten out a lot.

As far as 1/28 - 2/3 goes, that's when son Chance and daughter-in-law Kate visited. We did the golf cart thing for half a day; checked out the rugged/wave crashing Caribbean side of the island; went to the sculpture garden with its surf side walkway; visited Mexico's only ice bar, as well as lots of other bars; snorkeled; stopped by beach clubs; watched Chance eat a scorpion; spent time at North Beach; toured the local brewery; socialized with the El Milagro cruisers and hotel guests; tried to go to the circus; etc. It was a fun/full week.

The following week Starship II had it's first day ever with a positive cash flow, and we saw a lot of change over on the dock, but more about that next time.

Kate and Chance at the Green/Verde for their first breakfast. It's a nice walk away and one of my favorite places

For days there were cars and trucks driving around with signs and loud speakers spreading word about the circus, and selling tickets. So, we bought three tickets and tried to go twice. The first time the tents had been taken down because it was so windy. That was understandable. The second time the tents were up, but no one was around. It probably would have been pretty interesting, but I ended up giving the tickets to a soccer coach. 

This was taken at the Scorpion Bar, though other bars have scorpions on the menu. I guess the guy who catches and supplies the scorpions, has a pretty good business.

One of the cruisers offered to buy, if Chance would eat a scorpion, followed by a shot of tequila of course. Being raised not to look a gift horse in the mouth, he took the guy up on it.

I'm sure the locals can't believe that tourists would do something so stupid. Chance said it was kind of like eating a cricket. How would he know that?

Chance and Kate went to the effort of bringing this thing down as carry on. It did attract some attention, especially from the fisherman next door.

Even "paradise" has to do something with the garbage. However, this landfill does have a great view of the Caribbean Sea.

This was taken at the sculpture garden.

This is the walkway at the sculpture garden.

Kate's favorite sculpture, with Cancun in the distance.

This was Grace's favorite from a couple weeks ago. And she's the artist.

And this was Chance's.

This was taken at a bar called Hemingway's. It looked like more of a local hang out. We went to a lot of bars that week.

Despite the Hawkeye banner behind them. These guys were really good with just a bass, a guitar and a synthesizer that did everything else. They played Eric Clapton, the Eagles, etc.

That's more like it.

There continues to be a lot of wildlife just at the marina.

We are at the Scorpion Bar with Paul and Jayne. They're a British couple who are close to wrapping up a five year voyage that took from England, around the Scandinavian countries, through the canals of France, the Mediterranean, across the Atlantic and around the entire Caribbean Sea. Their top favorite places included Finland, Dominica in the Caribbean and Rio Dulce, Guatemala, which is where I'll be later. They originally left the marina January 8th with the intent of stopping in Cuba before going to Key West. But unfortunately, they had a rough crossing, lost a prop, weren't allowed to come ashore or to get help in Cuba and were forced to sail back to Isla in bad weather. Jayne was pretty shaken by it all.  

We stumbled across the first of a three game Quintana Roo basketball championship series between Isla Mujeras and Cozumel. It was a great atmosphere with drums, rattles, horns, and of course dogs. There were some good size players, but the quality of play was pretty bad. The Isla Mujeras Fishermen took the first game.

Between the sand, palm trees and water, the North Beach may be one of the prettiest I've ever been on.

Guys, I could have taken hundreds of photos similar to this one, but I felt a little creepy. Plus, eventually I probably would have gotten beaten-up and/or arrested.

Sorry ladies, but this is the best I could do.

The tourist district with its shops, restaurants and bars is about a six by six block area. The North Beach is to the north; the ferry terminal and more beach is to the west; the Caribbean Sea is east; and a Naval compound is south. This is the only street that doesn't allow vehicles, so you can imagine how congested it can get. There is also a large square, where bands play almost every night, with most not starting until 10:00.

Snorkeling of course.

An ISU banner.

It was a very fun week. Joining us in the photo is Tre, the three legged dog who lives aboard s/v More Magic with Ashley and Joe.


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